I've been asked about breastmilk jewelry for years now. I've always said no. Why? When done properly, the preservation process requires time and space that I just couldn't dedicate to it.
Now, I've changed my mind.
Why, you ask? Funnily enough, it's for the same reasons I said no for years. You see, to create breastmilk jewelry that won't rot or mold, several chemicals and dangerous processes are required. I am a) hoping to keep things safe for new Moms (and babes!) by eliminating the chemicals in their home that they may be exposed to via DIY preservation packets/methods and b) I'm tired of seeing new artists hit the market who are not properly preserving the milk and creating pieces that immediately rot. I have the knowledge (my process is chemist approved), and the proper PPE, so after much consideration I have decided that it's easier and safer for me to provide these services for Mammas rather than have them work with dangerous and costly DIY methods.
Going forward, if you have breastmilk in powder form that has been properly preserved you may send it in the same way you would for ash or hair pieces. If you need to send in milk in liquid form I will properly preserve your milk using chemist approved practices. As this process requires a lot of extra time, materials, and is hazardous - there will be an extra fee for preservation. It can be purchase separately from your jewelry and will only need to be purchased once, even if you purchase multiple pieces of jewelry! Any remaining breastmilk powder will be returned with the finished jewelry and if you would like to use it in the future for more pieces you may mail it in and will not be required to pay a preservation charge again.
Which pieces can be made with breastmilk? Most of my cremation ash, hair, or flower jewelry can be made with breastmilk instead. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at ashley@ashleylozano.com. I am also happy to take custom orders where we work together to create the perfect piece for you.
Can you add colors? Oh yeah. I have a large collection of add-ins that range from crushed opals in nearly 100 colors, chrome colors, and mermaid colors. You can view hundreds of options here.
Thank you for reading, I look forward to creating your breastmilk jewelry.